Overall, however, the expansion to the game was very well done. It makes it easier to perform some very basic functions in the game such as dealing with your factions, and adds some new game mechanics in.
Sure, there's still plenty of room to cram more into the game (I'd love to see some kind of proper multiplayer support), but as it stands, this expansion pack is definitely worth the purchase.
This addon offers new challenges for veterans as well as improvements for beginners. Actually it's optimizing the whole game, not changing a lot, just making it better and more fun.
Absolute Power is a collection of small, but welcome enhancements--a splash of new content that doesn't change what the game is, but enough that anyone still investing hours in the perfect republic will love. [Sept 2010, p.84]
Absolute Power is made for those who loves the original Tropico 3. The
developers didn't want to shake foundations, but it doesn't mean that
this expansion is not worth its $19.99.