Monster Hunter Rise delivers as the ultimate Monster Hunter experience. With an abundance of elements that make it uniquely related to the other games of the franchise, it also brings back the best in each entry, both in gameplay and in the roster of monsters. It is a must play for anyone who likes action games.
Monster Hunter Rise is a perfect example of what can be done with Switch. It runs incredibly smoothly and only slows down a little when there’s a lot happening all at once, even during a Rampage with a full lobby. It has been some time since I have played World, but Rise looks almost as good. While some textures here and there are a bit rough, I highly doubt you’re going to be inspecting the wall textures with an angry Rathalos chasing you down. Monster Hunter Rise brings a lot of great new features for fans of the franchise while making it more accessible than ever. With the amount of future updates planned I can’t wait to see what Rise can become.
Técnicamente es de lo mejor del sistema, parece mentira que lo pueda mover una Nintendo Switch. El juego es muy divertido, aunque recomiendo jugar con internet para una experiencia más agradable y satisfactoria.
Monster Hunter Rise is the perfect introduction to the series. One of the best games on the Nintendo Switch and a solid candidate for the best of the year.
Monster Hunter Rise manages to continue the series trend of delivering an excellent action RPG while also offering meaningful rewards and addicting gameplay. The game's new additions such as the Palamute and Wirebugs add more depth to what was an already solid foundation. Kamura Village is downright gorgeous, with the surrounding areas teeming with monsters both new and old. I'm excited to continue to play the game for the foreseeable future, playing online with my friends and completing what seems to be nearly endless content.
If Monster Hunter isn't your thing, then Rise won't convince you otherwise. But anyone who's not shy for bossfights, will be taken by the amazing flow and refreshing focus on speed, and will lose themselves for tens or hundreds of hours in this deep and engaging monster-mayhem.
Monster Hunter Rise is the most accessible game in the franchise, but shoddy multiplayer connectivity and hard-to-see handheld play hold this game back from reaching the heights it's aiming for.
This new opus is a great opportunity for everyone who dreamed of trying out the Monster Hunter licence but never dared to do so. Nonetheless Monster Hunter Rise find itself oversimplified because of its new features for most of the saga’s regulars.
Tenía unas expectativas bastante altas con este juego, ya que todo el mundo le daba notas altas y se decía en todos los analisis que era un imprescindible para Switch.
En cuanto al juego, considero que es bastante bueno por la cantidad de contenido que te ofrece, destacando la cantidad de monstruos que hay, la vida que hay en los mapas, las combinaciones de armaduras y armas que puedes hacer, la cantidad de personajes y de secretos del mundo...
Con respecto al apartado artístico, este es muy bonito visualmente, demostrando un gran trabajo detrás de cada personaje, monstruo y animación. El apartado sonoro tampoco se queda atrás, contando con una buena banda sonora.
Sin embargo, el juego lo he abandonado después de unas 60 horas, en las que ha habido viciotes gordos e idas y venidas de partidas puntuales. De todo esto he sacado que no estoy hecho para este juego, ya que la repetición constante de las cacerías para conseguir un material determinado y mejorar mi equipamiento acabó con mi paciencia.
The menus are horrid and physically anger me trying to navigate them. They are some of the most arbitrary and least intuitive menus i have ever seen in a game. The most simplest things have become the most arduous tasks. Also depending on the weapon you use, the exact same move can be swapped to different buttons which drives me crazy. It's a core skill too; like if Mario and Luigi used different buttons to jump. The story and world from MHW doesn't exist. This is similar to old iterations of MH. The wirebug is neat and rampages are boring.
I don't understand why this game has so many positive reviews. I am not a huge monster hunter fan, but I played the PSP games and MH World and Rise feels like a significant step back in every category. After playing for almost 20 hours, I have not finished the village quests and honestly, I don't want to, now let me tell you why:
Firstly, the music. Sweet mother of god please I am begging you to include a soundtrack comprised of more than 30-second sound bytes that repeat endlessly for hours. The first thing I did, before even going on a hunt, was turn the music off completely. +1 for it being an option to turn that crap off, still not enough to make you a good game
Secondly, the story. It May as well not be there, but no surprise there, it's monster hunter after all.
Thirdly, the gameplay. **** genitals. Who in their right mind at Capcom thought it was a good idea to put out an action game like this WITHOUT A LOCK ON MECHANIC?! Its gotta be one of the most frustrating things in the world when you combine it with the fact that the hitboxes are inconsistent, clunky, and frankly make no sense. Critical hits seem to be random, sometimes they hit for 10 damage, sometimes 3, sometimes 1, sometimes it's like I hit a f'ing wall and am also a long-term alcoholic because I stumble for far too long before recovering. Additionally, the button delay. Screw you, you're not FromSoftware, you will not be able to make that fun in your game so please stop. The new mechanics the game advertises as a selling point are neat, but feel like something that would have been cool five years ago. Now that I think about it, thats a really good way to describe this game: "Would have been cool five years ago". What's that Capcom? I can essentially double jump and wall run? No way! It's like my balls dropped all over again! Whats that another time? I can ride a mount? Like a horse? Oh, not a horse? A mini horse? like a pony? Oh, you call it a palamute, totally a new mechanic. Perhaps I'm being a little too hard on the palamute, but then I remember he doesn't f'ing show up 90% of the time you hold down the button that's supposed to summon him. Again, I've been summoning mounts in games for over a decade, WTF?
Lastly is just a general question: "why the hell do I care?". This game has no purpose. None at all. You drop into an, admittedly, very pretty hub, get some barebones information that doesn't make enough sense for it to be worth hearing, and then you proceed to do the same handful of tasks until you can't take it anymore and move on to a real game. Not to mention every design choice in this game is focused on frustrating the ever-living crap out of you and slowing you down. There's another review out there where someone mentions that "it's not harder, just more annoying", and man is that true. The game is painfully easy, and at the same time painfully frustrating. Everything mentioned before combined with the fact that it's the same stuff you're doing over and over again just makes the experience painfully frustrating. Like I said, im almost 20 hours in and I just feel like giving up after HR4 because whats the point? The starter armor they gave me is far better than anything I can craft (not to mention, if I wanted to craft it I would have to grind slaying the same monster I already killed endlessly), so the whole point of the game (crafting cool armor sets) seems superfluous.
Thank god I bought this used, I am truly sorry for anybody who paid full price for what could ultimately be a mobile port of a once-great franchise. Play MH World, leave this on the shelf, it's not worth it.
SummaryRise to the challenge and join the hunt. The action-RPG series returns to the Nintendo Switch! Set in the ninja-inspired land of Kamura Village, explore lush ecosystems and battle fearsome monsters to become the ultimate hunter. It's been half a century since the last calamity struck, but a terrifying new monster has reared its head and ...