It not only looks fantastic, but uses the graphics ability of the 360 to the full, with super-smooth angles and movement, and the puzzles it presents are every bit as challenging as those in games such as Zelda, with which it shares a medieval theme. Brilliantly designed and executed, and fabulously entertaining.
Amazing game which fulfilled my early childhood with curiosity and happiness and has sustained time itself with its unique art direction and innovative game mechanics which can still please the older **** only thing that's left is a new kameo 2 which will hopefully be released in the near late century 2108.
this game is wonderful if you are fan of beating stuff the F**k up you will at most like this game or love like i have the story, characters, the warriors you play as all of just makes me love this game.
If you consider yourself a platformer aficionado, you won't find anything here that's particularly genre-shattering, but Kameo's presentation is flawlessly executed. [Jan 2006, p.56]
When so much work has gone into the game’s visuals and so much effort has been poured into the most insignificant cosmetic flourish, you find your patience for the hiccups that still plague many games is reduced to almost zero. [Christmas 2005, p.92]
This is the best game ever. of all time. Go play this game now. Its completely worth your money. Its imaginative and fun. Everyone needs to play this game.
The visuals of the game were fantastic. It felt stylized and was fun to run around in while I explored the terrain, and each character has a set of unique skins that they can use thoughout the game. Personally I wished they came up with a few more interesting skins for certain characters, since they did not have any interesting skins to choose.
The gameplay varies from boring and tedious to fun and interesting. The problem is that not all of the characters are particularly useful, and are created for certain gimmicks or for certain enemies, while others (such as the last character you unlock) is so overpowered, that you don't need to use anyone else, unless the game forces you too.
Too many sections in the game I found were "Kill this set of enemies in this way to progress" or "Do a certain gimmick that character does again to progress", or some combination of both, which gets boring after a while.
At other points I got lost in what the game wanted me to do, because I either misinterpreted a cutscene, or missed an enemy, causing me to either use the hint system, or wander around in circles until I figured out what to do.
There was potential for good gameplay however. I enjoyed the early game when everything was new, and I had the opportunity to solve different puzzles. The villagers in each town are also pretty interesting to talk to, and often provide extra background to the town you are in, or certain bits of information on how to deal with enemies or solve puzzles.
The plot was not that interesting us presented in an unbalanced manner, leaving me confused once I went to the final part of the game.
Essentially when the player saves an important family member, they reveal part of the backstory, but since there are only 3 people to save, there is a ton of backstory that has to be delivered, which left me bored and wanting to get back to exploring the game. If they had spread it out more, say to some of the villagers I was interacting with, then it wouldn't have been so bad.
Overall I gave this game a 7/10. Not the best of Rareware, but certainly not the worst. If you get this game as part of the Rare replay set, I would recommend playing it, otherwise I would only recommend this title after you've played/finished some of their other titles (such as Banjo-Kazooie or Conkers bad fur day)
As a Launch title for the Xbox 360, it's a decent game. It's short and simple and even after jumping between more consoles during development then any other game, it turned out alright. The Puzzles and Game-play feel dated, but the game was originally intended for the Nintendo consoles where that kind of thing is still tolerated. The story is cheesy and the voice acting and overly epic music don't help this game feel like it's going for any audience at all. Overall it was worth then $8 at Game Stop, but I do feel sorry for those who got it at launch.
Pour un jeu Rare, la technique ne déçoit pas, ce qui reste assez rare chez Rare à dire vrai ; mais si Kameo et sa chaméléone sont fort jolis, sa jouabilité a été oubliée et laissée sur le bord de la route : eh, petite jouabilité, reviens ! non, elle fait la gueule et s'est tirée ailleurs...
C'est en effet aussi peu maniable qu'imprécis et la difficulté mal gérée n'aide pas vraiment, sans mentionner les points de sauvegarde mal foutus, car tout est pensé dès le début pour vous soûler au maximum. L'histoire (?) est prétexte à une niaiserie sans nom et le tout est encore un échec pour Rare qui fait très rarement de bons jeux, voire jamais en fait. Worst developer ever qui siège juste à côté d'EA bien sûr. Quelle idée a eu Microsoft de racheter des branques pareils ?!...
SummaryKameo: Elements of Power is an epic adventure, full of exploration and intense combat. The future of the world depends on Kameo, who must capture, grow, and unleash a wide assortment of incredible monsters to combat ever-present evil and rescue her three Elemental Ancestors from the Dark Troll King—who threatens the planet and its wildli...