It's not perfect, and the art style can be irksome with its intentionally marred characters, but for five bucks (or for free), Dead Space: Ignition delivers a good backstory and a few pieces of entertaining puzzle gameplay.
Yes this game is not something you should buy for less than 3$, because its short and not that full of gameplay.
The puzzles however are pretty fun, I wish they were in the main game (dead space 2). It's also coupled with a darn good comic story.
So because I played this on game pass, I give it a 10/10. It's short sure, but its only made to be a little spin off. Puzzles are great fun and story is very good.
This is not the sort of game that you'd buy as a stand alone title or 'fun', it is nothing without the dead space games and there is little fun to be had within it. There is little actual game play and of this there is little variation. The story line is OK but is a bit annoying as certain fates of characters are unavoidable no matter what story path you take (of which there are four). The game literately only consists of three different hacking type mini-games which have all been done before and cut-scenes that are just moving drawings with audio. The ONLY reason anyone should EVER buy this is to get some back story from the Dead Space universe, a little (tiny) kick before the main event that is dead space 2 comes out. If your a fan of dead space and like to see a little more (like the movies and comics) then sure get it if your really want to. It won't last long, it won't be overly interesting and could leave a slightly bitter taste in your mouth but hey its only a fiver...
If you're a huge Dead Space fan, you may want to put two hours aside to play through this game to get the Hacker Suit. If your interest lies solely with how Ignition serves as a prelude to Dead Space 2, you're missing nothing interesting. I doubt the "that's what she said" joke or Franco Delille's story will be referenced extensively when Isaac returns.
Unless you're a huge Dead Space fan and absolutely can't contain yourself around anything remotely related to that universe, skip out on Dead Space Ignition.
People judge this game as a stand-alone purchase from xbox live arcade, but what they have to realize is that it was created solely to sweeten the prospect of pre-ordering dead space 2. I, like many others, pre-ordered dead space 2 so I got Ignition for free. I would not recommend purchasing this game by itself because it's not that great ****. It is however a fun little puzzle game especially if you got it for free... not to mention 200 gamerpoints that are fast and easy to get.
This game is not really a game, its a pretty well made and enjoyable comic, actually if this would just had been the comic it would have been great! I would have given a higher score, but its because of the stupid puzzles that this game is kind of ruined. It seems to me this is like ruined potential when it came to gameplay since the puzzles get horrifyingly hard near the end. If they would have made longer the comics and make it have a little bit more story then I would be fine! In fact I would be quite pleased to give 5$ its just the stupid mini games that ruin everything. This game CAN be considered only if you are interested in a little story in an interactive comic but the gameplay is just **** ill admit. So think before buying this game.
Just not all that exciting. There's a few hacking mini-games in there that pose a challenge, but the whole package just isn't worth it. It's just so far away from the original Dead Space game that a lot of people just own't get it.
Это просто ужасная игра. Будь возможность, я бы еще ниже поставил оценку, но поскольку она даёт небольшие бонусы в Dead Space 2 - я ставлю 4. Тут куча проблем. Самая первая - игра продаётся отдельно, хотя по факту это сюжетное DLC ко второй части DS, и получили его бесплатно только те кто сделал предзаказ DS2 ,ну и кто купил лимитированное издание, я полагаю. Мне жаловатья грех - я прошёл её по подписке EA Access , точно так же как и прохожу вторую часть сейчас на Xbox One S, но сам факт того, что этой версии нет на ПК, даже не знаю, как они выкрутились в дальнейшем, сами бонусы ничтожны за прохождение, плюс сама игра не полноценна. Уродливые катсцены, слабый сюжет, бонусы которые вы получаете от прохождения в DS2 не влияют особо на геймплей, и даже те три уникальные мини-игры, не пересены в DS2. Почему? В чём смысл давать в бонус хакерский костюм, который делает решение одной изи-хакерской головоломки еще проще? Ах да, ПК юзеры, купившие DS2 не получат бонуса, ибо эта игра только на консолях вышла. В общем, позор и порицание EA в очередной раз.
Final Thoughts:
Dead Space: Ignition should not exist. The first misstep in the series, this ‘game’ (it barely qualifies) is a comic-style puzzler with unnecessary branching story paths intended to pad an otherwise short experience. A lazy story crashes into a lazy cast and both end up in a heap along with lazy gameplay and graphics.
Do yourself a favour and just skip.
For the full review and more posts like it, visit my site: ****
SummaryDead Space Ignition combines an interactive comic-style story with three unique hacking mini games; Hardware Crack, Trace Route and System Override. Each game offers a fun and satisfying arcade experience that will challenge players with puzzles and twitch gameplay. Dead Space Ignition features a unique. Choose Your Own Adventure type na...