Classic platformer gaming that will have you reliving the glory days of the N64 console. Whether you're a fan or a newcomer, there's little reason why you shouldn't purchase the XBLA port of Banjo-Tooie.
Banjo-Tooie on the Xbox 360 is just like the original. Not perfect but still a load of fun to play. The graphics are better though and I do recommend this game but it's not as good as the N64 version.
Must have game. The graphic has gotten old, but the fun and game play are still fresh. One of the best adventure arcade games ever made. More skills, maps, possibilities and enemies than the first one. More tasks too. You won't made a mistake.
I mean really, what's not to like about a bird that can regurgitate eggs from its mouth to batter an enemy, or shoot them out of his butt to zap enemies coming up from behind?
By playing Banjo-Tooie, you can get a sense of what platformers used to be like. Besides Nintendo with Mario, no one pulls them off better than Rare and this is no more evident than in this well-made remake of the classic Banjo-Tooie.
When all is said and done, gamers wishing to relive the glory days of wholesome, 64-bit goodness will want to download and enjoy Banjo-Tooie; in reality, most will already have done so. On the flip side, the modern gamer wishing to see what all the fuss about Banjo and his pal Kazooie is will be disappointed, as they will go in expecting something that is amazing and get something that was amazing… back at the turn of the century.
A great sequel which you'll love if you had even the slightest bit of interest in the original Banjo-Kazooie. Sure, the levels can be a bit confusing sometimes but that's just because they aren't half as linear as the areas in many modern games. Banjo-Tooie takes actual thinking to progress, which is something that can't be said about a lot of games these days. Anyway, it's a really great title that I highly recommend.
While the moment-to-moment gameplay isn't quite as strong as Banjo-Kazooie, the larger scope does make it feel like a grander adventure. I cannot recommend a 100% playthrough, but the "bear" minimum playthrough is still fun!
As a kid I loved this game, but as I've grown this games true form has taken shape before my eyes. This game is full of tedious back tracking and empty rooms. Large numbers of areas have one ore two minor collectibles in them and then a warp on both ends leaving them to only be entered once. Some collectibles however require traveling across 3 separate worlds to get any kind of reward. The note system shrunk in this game when it should have expanded to fill the large worlds with content, but instead it shrunk.
Now while I'm bashing this game far more then I did Kazooie's port, I will say that this is the better port. Every flaw was untouched, and every thing the game did right is still there outside a few reference jokes about plumbers and monkeys and pocket monsters. The game looks good, plays well, and only the most loyal of fans will notice/give a crap about the slightly out of sync intro music.
Je croyais que c'était un indé et j'allais me faire une joie de le jeter dans la poubelle des étrons indés du jour... mais non, attention, ce truc-là était à l'origine une merdeveille de Rare pour le petit artisan Nintendaube, de quoi compléter son offre merdeveilleuse en matière de jeux de gogols juste à côté du petit plombier moustachu à casquette rouge (sûrement un enfoirnaze de communiste, me souffle-t-on).
Donc Banjogogol-Nouille est la suite de Banjogogol-Kazkouille où l'on retrouve les merdeveilleux amis bien connus comme l'ours mongolien et l'oiseau trizomique. Il faut ramasser des pièces dorées et sauter et euh... enfin tout ça quoi. Bien sûr, le jeu date un peu et ses graphismes sont un peu... euh, enfin tu vois quoi ; ça sent le poisson un peu quand même... même pour l'époque.
En tout cas, dans cette version 360 en haute résolution (!), ils ont gardé la Nintendaube 64 sur le menu ! mais est-ce que Nintendaube est d'accord ? combien on a filé au petit artisan pour l'insigne honneur de faire poser la Nintendaube 64 dans le menu ? parce qu'on est sur une console Microsoft un petit peu quand même !
Sinon bah, la caméra fait bien de la merde comme dans le jeu... euh la daube précédente et tous les bruitages débiles sont là ; je te parle même pas de la "musique"... qui te transforme la cervelle en gloubi-boulga. On sait pas où aller de toute façon et c'est un peu le boxon quand même ce jeu de golmons. Mais qu'est-ce qu'on fout là-dedans ?
Bon, de toute façon j'ai arrêté, les jeux pour les **** artisans, c'est trop pour moi : je préfère l'industriel...
SummaryThe bear and bird’s second outing available in full. Loads of rollicking fun to be had here and with the legendary Stop 'N' Swop feature reinstated. The best use of a backpack in a game ever! [Microsoft]