Summary Set in the post-WWII South, Mudbound follows the McAllan family, newly transplanted from the quiet civility of Memphis and unprepared for the harsh demands of farming. Despite the grandiose dreams of Henry (Jason Clarke), his wife Laura (Carey Mulligan) struggles to keep the faith in her husband's losing venture. Meanwhile, Hap and Flore...
Directed By: Dee Rees
Written By: Virgil Williams, Hillary Jordan
Summary Set in the post-WWII South, Mudbound follows the McAllan family, newly transplanted from the quiet civility of Memphis and unprepared for the harsh demands of farming. Despite the grandiose dreams of Henry (Jason Clarke), his wife Laura (Carey Mulligan) struggles to keep the faith in her husband's losing venture. Meanwhile, Hap and Flore...
Directed By: Dee Rees
Written By: Virgil Williams, Hillary Jordan