Rainbow Six 3: Gold is Raven Shield and Athena Sword. Additionally you can download Iron Wrath expansion on **** its free. Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow is the console version but they do share attributes for sure.
The best part about Rainbow Six 3 is that its still online in 2021. After almost 20 years. With updated content like maps, guns, sights and scopes, hd hit effects, models and missions. Literally there are thousands of maps. Some great brand new ones from 2017-2021 and even more coming soon.
Rainbow Six 3 is known to have the best coop experience. Even compared to SWAT 4 say. Both games that were considered to be like brothers so to speak. Came out around the same time, nearly the same engine though Swat 4's version of Unreal 2 is more like 2.5. R6 3 being more deadly, more elite obviously than Swat would be.
The sheer fact that you can do so many different mission objectives, so many different styles of maps and settings just really brings this came to a whole new level. We also have combined maps from original 1998 Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear and several of those expansions. Even R6 Vegas!
On top of that... you have amazing options for controlling your backup AI. For some information on that you can check out the community Discord at **** if you want more detail. There are some people who just let the backup AI follow them around instead of using them to their full potential though.
The enemy AI are actually quite advanced. Depending on which map and who set them up. Tangos have 5 different personality traits and a percentage given for each skill. They also have a setting for what to do when they first see you. Some will surrender, run away and bait you (run around a corner and then they will be waiting with another enemy with guns pointed at you hoping that you chase them). Aim and you and fire. Spray at you and fire wildly. They will frag you instantly sometimes as their first reaction. They can also call for backup. They can even hunt you down. They also go towards the sound of your gun if you are not using a silencer. Very cool. Changes the entire feeling of the mission!
The game also has civilians in some levels that you must look out for. Different from hostages. The civilians can still be harassed by the Tangos... they will use them as human shields randomly or the civilians will run into the line of fire if you shoot near them. Its intense.
With the addition of ads, iron sights... the game has the most replay value ever. Especially with the new updates.
Could talk forever about this game... but you are better off joining us sometime for the best coop experience you will ever have.
This game lays the foundation for skills upon which you can then take into almost any shooter, and even real life, and use them to your advantage when needed. Its as hardcore as it gets.
We run a large Steam Group as well at ****/groups/tacticalgamingnetwork
The Discord: ****
"You're the best of the best. Remember that."
TDLR: This game is so good that after 20 years we are making a brand new game in UE4/UE5 directly inspired by it!
Lets squad up sometime!
If you are familiar with Siege and Vegas you must know that those games are a departure from the original formula of R6. Although I do enjoy the modern R6, my favorite remains with the older ones.
Rainbow Six was known for 3 core things in an open-world map.
The FPS mechanics are slow and tense. It's exciting because you will die in one hit. Forcing you to really emphasize upon the unpredictable enemies, and the organization of your team. Planning and teamwork are extremely crucial, but the game does not setup these assets for you. Instead you have to plan everything on your own.
90% of the time you'll be stuck on the drawing board. You'll be switching back-and-forth between planning and action. The trial-and-error, and the random deployment of the enemies, makes it a satisfying challenge once you get everything right.
You setup your team and choose their equipment based on the situation. You manage your own snipers, demolitions experts, assault teams and reconnaissance teams
You manage their orders in the field through a complex waypoint system. At first glance, the whole planning phase will look like a chore. The maps look outdated and blocky, but if you give it time and patience you'll learn to appreciate it all.
the non-linearity of the planning phase, gives you endless options on how you want to approach missions. The options are vast , you control when your team shoots, breach, and speed of their movement.
Your AI mates are drones that follow you everywhere you go. They do everything you say specifically and chronologically execute the orders based on the way-points you setup. Sometimes they'll come to an ad-hoc and that's when you know you some re-planning needs to be done.
For a game that's decades old the game-play already has more "replayability" than Most triple-A titles these days.
It takes time to appreciate a game that's not straightforward and a tad complicated, but once you do, you'll find that R6 is really something special. If you're new to the series, this will give you an original perspective on the series. You can then understand why allot of fans aren't too happy on where the series are heading.
If you're a fan of EA's classic "Seal Team" or loved the semi-realism offered in Zombie's great "Spec Ops," then Rainbow Six will give you a serious case of the gamer's giddies.
While generally better than Spec Ops, Rainbow Six carries its own baggage, especially where the conflict of realism versus gameplay rears its ugly head.
The missions can be skin-crawly tense and the strategic planning is a joy. Nevertheless, poor AI, coupled with mundane and buggy graphics give the game a "late-beta" feel.
Rainbow Six was my introduction - and pretty much anyone else's for that matter - to squad based tactical shooters - it was damned hard though, when I was 19 I could JUST get my head around the controls and the call signs and the go commands and the waypoints - it was not, was definitely not - a typical shooter.
It was complex, but fun, tough, but rewarding when you actually finally got past a level you found really tough to beat, you didn't need a fancy FMV sequence, you were happy enough to move on to the next level.
I remember loving this game back in the day, even though I also remember it used to do my head in!
Why did tactical shooters have to die and be forgotten? Why did Ubisoft make Red Storm Entertainment develop Far Cry 4 when they should've made a sequel to this masterpiece? This is quite literally as realistic as shooters will ever get. Commanding squads is something I just love to do.
Graphiquement c'était dégueulasse même pour l'époque et ça tournait pas bien. Et on ne voyait même pas son flingue, juste un réticule ridicule dont l'imprécision en mouvement était une plaisanterie de mauvais goût. Le fait que l'éditeur du plan d'attaque soit fourni avant chaque mission, un éditeur dont l'ergonomie était déjà d'un autre temps, ce fait là et cet éditeur là n'étaient que des pertes de temps dont on se foutait éperdument. Rainbow Six était affreux à regarder, affreux à jouer également et aussi chiant que les indigestes pavés
Questo gioco non parte per via che ho un PC potente ( AMD RX 580 8GB, 16GB RAM, CPU I5 9400F e un SSD 250GB ) però la cosa e strana io so riuscito a giocare giochi molto vecchi come DOOM del 93 etc.. forse e fatto male magari sarà questo il motivo per cui non parte.
Why did tactical shooters have to die and be forgotten? Why did Ubisoft make Red Storm Entertainment develop Far Cry 4 when they should've made a sequel to this masterpiece? This is quite literally as realistic as shooters will ever get. Commanding squads is something I just love to do.
SummaryThe most revolutionary action/strategy game of its kind. Nothing comes closer to offering an exciting combination of strategy, team-building, realistic three-dimensional graphics and true-to-life special forces action. The ultimate goal is to save yourself and the world from deadly terrorists. You must successfully complete 17 unique mis...