Ocarina of Time was already a masterpiece and easily one of the greatest games of all time, and Master Quest makes this game for the ages even better. At first it starts like the regular Ocarina of Time, but as soon as you enter the first dungeon in the Great Deku Tree, you realize right away that this is going to be a much tougher challenge than the regular Ocarina of Time. Only the dungeon layouts have changed in Master Quest as everything else the including the same masterpiece story remains the same as the original Ocarina of Time.
A port handled as well as this comes up practically as often as a deal like this. Bear in mind, it's still a port, and noticeably aged compared to brand new RPGs. But it's still a terrific game.
Points off for the lazy port -- but rest assured that Ocarina of Time has lost little of its luster, the Master Quest is a wonderful bonus for returning players.
The best game in human history. 1st place in the world's best game.. 1st place in the history of eternal immortality Metascore.
The game that made you realize that the only natural enemy that can surpass The Legend of Zelda is The Legend of Zelda. The only game in the history of mankind that surpasses 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild' is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
No es porque Ocarina of Time era todo un juegazo en 1998 corriendo en una Nintendo 64 que se justifica esta nota inflada. Todo lo contrario, para 2003 era ya un juego feo (mira eses modelos 3D papu), con mecanicas ya diluidas, no traia una proposta fresca, su mundo abierto ya no convencia, estaba muy por debajo de lo que la nueva generacion podria oferecer.
Además esta versión contine muchos bugs, lags, loaginds que no estaban presentes en la versión original, corrompia el save game.
Recuerden que en 2003 ya estaban en el mercado GTA III, Shenmue 2, Zelda WW a las puertas...
No es más que un grade juego en su momento pero que quedó para trás con el cambio generacional.
Para 1998 si era una obra maestra, pero el mundo gira...